Monday, August 26, 2013

The Preacher's Wife

For several weeks, I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog written from the unique perspective of a young minister's husband. Tonight, as our family has expanded to include a new, little person, I figured, what better time to begin?

First, a bit about our family: My wife and I met in 2007 on She was a seminary student and I was an on-again-off-again graduate student. We were married in 2009 and subsequently moved to Joplin, Missouri after she received her first call to pastor a congregation. Last December, we found out we were expecting our first child and have spent the last nine months preparing as much as we could for its arrival.

As a couple, we share many of the same quirks, struggles and joys as any couple in our age range. And as parents, I suspect we will share those same quirks, struggles and joys as our peers. I hope the reflections of this blog will entertain the readers and provide some perspective into our public-private life. I hope readers will relate to some of our stories both as a young couple and as parents. And I hope that readers of this blog might include some other pastors' husbands who might be willing to provide their own insight into similar situations they've experienced in their own lives.

Thanks for reading!